
WHO AM I? My name is Rafa and I am an anarchist. I was born and raised in Valencia, Spain, and I want to overcome the current system by working for a better one, for everyone. One world, one people, one love.

MY VISION (simple version): I envision a world where humanity works together to meet the needs of all people, so that we can restore ecosystems and explore the planet and the universe in a joint adventure. That’s the world I want to live in.

PROPOSAL: For this, I advocate carrying out Kropotkin‘s Conquest of Bread (which in Spanish is “La Conquista del Pan”, hence the inspiration for the name of this blog) updating it to what we know today, which for me is in line with Simon Michaux‘s Purple Transition. He demystifies (like Antonio Turiel) the Green Transition to renewables within a market system, points out the limitations of the Circular Economy and proposes improvements through the Resource Balanced Economy, which in turn is inspired by the Resource Based Economy (once advocated by Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project and Peter Joseph of The Zeitgeist Movement).

TRANSITION AND MEANS: The means I contemplate to work on any proposal that we consider to be closer or more aligned to this vision, are those of Anarchy, specifically, Anarcho-Communism.

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This is in a nutshell, and in a very simplified form, to change the structures and decision-making institutions that hold power in a centralized and hierarchical manner (authoritarian), for organizations that hold power in a decentralized and horizontal way (anarchic), through the application of the scientific method to reach decisions and agreements on social issues.

DISCLAIMER: This manifesto may, over time, stand, change a little or a lot. I will not be a slave, least of all to my words. I remain open to new ideas.

So that you can better understand what I mean by all this, I have left links in the text. Take your time and freedom to explore the files that I will be uploading in La Conquista del Panda (The Panda Conquest). Welcome comrades 🙂

Thanks for your attention.

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